
Since 2003, I have worked with R, a GNU Stat Server Engine. R is a GNU clone of SPLUS.
The first time when I knew SPLUS & R, I was working in a project in IIT and I had to analyze two huge set of data about customer opinions. In this statistical project, I have a develop several Scripts to apply Clustering Techniques and others advanced statistical techniques.

In 2005, In Spanish headquarter of Cegelec, I developed a system to control the sales using R & MySQL. This tool could notify about the sales's health. With this information and the predictors, I could report to my Marketing & Development Manager and improve his information.

In 2006, I started to study Advanced Marketing Phd. in URJC but at the end of my first course, I decided to study in UCM.

At present, I study Statistics Methods Phd. in UCM.

The subjects that I have choosen are:

  • Categorical Data Analysis using Statistic Information Theory
  • Data Mining
  • Time Series
  • Neural Networks
    1. Introducction
    2. Mathematical Fundamentals
      • The dynamics of the systems: Continous and discret systems; Schocastic systems
      • Optmitization theory
      • Statistic Inference and and regression theory
      • Recurrent Formulations: adaptations and learning
    3. Neural Network Concept and historical perspective
    4. Characterization and properties
    5. Neural Networks Classifications. Most known paradigms:
      • Adaline, perceptron.
      • Multi layer Perceptron: algoritmo de retropropagación. Propiedades y aplicabilidad del PMC
      • Hopfield Networks. Memorias autoasociativas. Memorias asociativas bidireccionales
      • Mapas topológicos auto-organizativos
      • Hebbians Networks: Oja, Sanger y Rubner
      • Cell Neural Networks
    6. Redes neuronales y aproximación de funciones: regresión no lineal
    7. Neural Networks learning
    8. Applications
      • Image processing
      • Identification, adaptative control and system's failure diagnostics
      • Aprendizaje por refuerzo and mobile robotics
      • Hibridación de técnicas de Cell-Mapping con arquitecturas neuronales.
  • Pattern Recognition for biometric identification